Dan Price, Police & Crime Commissioner – Latest Newsletter
Please go to the following link to read the newsletter:
CW&C Design Code – Online Survey & pop-up Events
Cheshire West and Chester Council is continuing work on a design code for the borough in partnership with Create Streets. Design Codes are a collection of design principles which help residents define what good development and high-quality public streets and spaces look like in their area. For more information on the Design Code, please see our website
Further to our first survey in August/September 2024, there are five emerging vision themes for Cheshire West and Chester in 2030. To build on these emerging themes, we have a second online survey to explore what our community wants from new development through examples of streets and buildings, giving you the opportunity to tell us which you feel are an appropriate or inappropriate guide for new development in the borough. A draft vision for the Design Code has been developed and is also part of the online survey. The online survey will open on Thursday 21 November and will run until Friday 20 December and can you access it here –
To complement the online survey, these pop up events will also be taking place around the borough (all between 10am and 4pm):
- Friday 22 November 2024 outside The Portal in Ellesmere Port
- Saturday 23 November 2024 in Frodsham Street Square (outside Tesco), Chester
- Friday 29 November 2024 in Memorial Court (Brio), Northwich
- Saturday 30 November 2024 in Winsford Cross Shopping Centre, Winsford
Join the Budget Conversation
Cabinet Member for Legal and Finance, Councillor Carol Gahan, said:
“Local public services are under significant and immediate financial pressure. There are no easy solutions. Looking after children and adults who need to use care services and ensuring all children have the best start in life, is an investment in the borough’s future, as well as a moral and legal duty, and takes up around two thirds of the Council’s expenditure budget. Not only do we want to undertake these duties, but moreover, we are legally required to do so. Many more children with complex needs are requiring high-cost placements. There are currently 13 placements each costing over £500,000 a year, which accounts for 34% of the overall spend supporting children in care.
“The Council spends £977 million each year on services which benefit local people every day. For example, we undertake refuse, recycling, food and garden waste collection. We clean and maintain roads and public open spaces. We are proud that our museums, libraries, leisure centres and swimming pools have thrived during these difficult times, which has sadly, not been the case for many other local authority areas. The bulk of our budget funds services that many people may not be aware of, if they, their family or friends are not directly impacted. These are vital to many people in our communities who need extra help and support. Please have a go at balancing the budget for yourself and take part in the survey. Local people’s feedback on our approach and latest thinking is very important.”
There are several ways you can get involved and have your say.
- Visit our Join the Budget Consultation page to complete a survey and have a go at balancing the budget by taking part in the budget simulator. Join the budget conversation | Participate Now
- You can write to: Join the Budget Conversation, Insight and Intelligence, Cheshire West and Chester Council, The Portal, Wellington Road, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BA, email:[email protected] to share your views, or telephone 0300 123 8123, to speak to the Council’s Contact Centre, quoting ‘Join the Budget Conversation’.
- Paper copies of the consultation will be available in all public libraries and on request using the contact details above. Alternative formats are also available on request using the contact details above.