Pothole update – Cllr Lynn Gibbon
11th July 2023
Message from Lynn Gibbon – Conservative Councillor for Marbury Ward
To Great Budworth Parish Council:
Safety Inspectors regularly inspect roads and footpaths for dangerous potholes in line with the https://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/your-council/policies-and-performance/council-plans-and-strategies/documents/highway-safety-inspection-code-of-practice.pdf.
Also, Network Stewards investigate enquiries and concerns about potholes raised by our customers including Councillors, Parish Councillors, and the public.
We prioritise all potholes so that the most dangerous ones are repaired either the next day or within 5 days and for those that do not meet the criteria we have routine maintenance and resurfacing schemes in place, as per Potholes and road faults | Cheshire West and Chester Council
A useful guide to pothole repair document is ADEPT & DfT_Potholes – a repair guide_March 2019.pdf (adeptnet.org.uk)
The majority of our pothole repairs are 50mm deep, cut out and fill, hot material permanent repairs.
This involves cutting around the pothole and breaking away the loose material, then refilling with hot tarmac and compacting. A bitumen over-banding is used around the joints to help protect from ingress of water.
On the odd occasion in emergency situations, we ask for a temporary fill and compact with cold tarmac, which is used to make safe until a permanent repair can be programmed.
We also use a range of techniques and materials to repair and maintain our roads to keep the borough’s network moving smoothly and these can be found here https://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/residents/transport-and-roads/highways/major-road-schemes/improvement-programme.
Lynn Gibbon – Conservative Councillor for Marbury Ward
(Parishes of Anderton with Marbury, Antrobus, Aston, Barnton, Comberbach, Dutton, Great Budworth, Little Leigh, Marston, Sutton Weaver, Whitley & Wincham)
Deputy Leader – Cheshire West & Chester Conservative Group
Shadow Cabinet Member – Inclusive Economy, Regeneration & Digital Transformation
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07581 226814