For some time the Parish Council has been concerned about the
dangerous crossroads on the A559 where High Street meets Budworth
Lane, highlighted in the Northwich Transport Strategy 2018.
In the past, property on the junction has been damaged and concerns
have increased about the safety of pedestrians and other road users.
Complaints have been received from local residents about speeding traffic,
poor visibility, unsafe bus stops, and difficulties crossing the road,
especially given the line of sight and breaking distance from the top bend.
Visiting cyclists have raised awareness of dangerous incidents where life
was at risk.
The Parish Council has repeatedly brought these matters to the attention
of CWaC Highways, who have responsibility for such matters, but after
meetings and discussions to address safety concerns, nothing was
deemed feasible. They advise that to qualify as a Local Safety Scheme, 5
or more incidents / collisions involving injury have to be recorded. To date
there are 2 such collisions based on available data.
Action is required to avoid any further incidents / accidents, but what
action? Especially when residents feel there is a serious accident waiting
to happen on the A559.
The Parish Council has recently been made aware of a relatively simple,
low-cost initiative, initially proposed by Comberbach Parish Council, which
is thought could address some of the issues associated with the junction.
• To make Budworth Lane one-way to Cock Lane, after turning left off the
A559 from Northwich, keeping the right-hand turn travelling to Northwich;
• To create a pedestrian and cycle route between Budworth Lane and
Cock Lane.
This will provide local residents with safer and easier access between both
villages; improve access for walkers into Marbury Park; and make cycling
safer. It will mitigate the risk of either turning right to Northwich, or crossing
the A559 to enter Great Budworth, where visibility is poor from the left as
the line of site is not clear.
Other considerations to take into account
• Impact on Budworth Lane properties/ farmland and caravan park access;
• Impact on Cock Lane properties;
• Speed limits on both lanes – currently 50 mph.
This is the only option which looks feasible and worthy of discussion to
date by any interested party.
Outline costs and further details on road markings and signage etc have
been requested to enable discussion and facilitate decisions. Marbury
Ward Councillors will support the view taken by residents and Parish
Councils. CWaC will take the final decision if it is decided to submit this
proposal to them.
Therefore, it would be good to know residents’ thoughts on the proposals
(for and against) or any other ideas you may have, by emailing your
comments to the Parish Clerk, Gill Ayres at
[email protected] before 22nd October 2021 or pop a
note in the Parish Council postbox at the Parish Hall on Smithy Lane