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Parish Council enters the wonderful world of social media…

Great Budworth Parish Council has today gone ‘live’ on Facebook and Twitter!

The Parish Council wants to be accessible to everyone and keep the people of Great Budworth informed on all the work they are undertaking on their behalf.

So, if you have a Facebook account search for Great Budworth Parish Council or on Twitter for Great Budworth PC then like and follow us.


  • Great to see the Council taking this step. It’s something which more parishes should follow – it helps create a two way dialogue between local residents and the council. Did this come about through the council’s own initiative, or is this something that all areas will eventually have to get involved in?

    • Hi Cathy,

      Thankyou for your comment.

      The Parish Council felt that in the digital age that we now live, we needed to find new ways to engage with our community and so decided to create Facebook and Twitter Profiles. This has proved to be an effective tool and as you rightly pointed out opens a new avenue for dialogue between the Parish Council and members of our community.

      It was not something that the Parish Council had to do, but it was something that they felt would be beneficial. Particularly to such a rural community as ourselves.

      Many thanks

      Caroline Marshall
      Clerk to Great Budworth Parish Council

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