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Author: Nick Baron-Morgan


The members of Great Budworth Parish Council join the residents of Great Budworth in mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth ll.

We pay tribute to the lifetime of devoted duty and service that she dedicated to the country and the Commonwealth over seven decades. She was an icon of wisdom, dignity, and grace, respected on the world stage and throughout the United Kingdom.

Our thoughts and prayers are with members of the Royal Family in their grief.

There is a book of condolence in the Church and there will be a Service of Commemoration on Sunday at 10:30 AM. Flags will be flown at half-mast in accordance with protocol.

May she rest in peace.

Looking forward to the reign of Charles lll  – God  save the King.

DWH – Chairman of GBPC

Website refresh underway

The Great Budworth Website is being updated. We aim to ensure that the new design is better suited to mobile devices and tablets and include specific document management features with the transparency guidelines in mind.

All Minutes Jan – Dec 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Ordinary Meeting 8th January 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting 8th January 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Ordinary Meeting 5th March 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting 5th March 2018

Minutes of the Annual Meeting 14th May 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Ordinary Meeting 2nd July 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting 2nd July 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Ordinary Meeting 3rd September 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting 3rd September 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Ordinary Meeting 5th November 2018

Minutes for Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting 5th November 2018


Welcome to Great Budworth

Great Budworth is a small village set in some of Cheshire’s most beautiful countryside, with strong links to our Church and local communities. If you fancy a walk in the country, Great Budworth is an ideal place to visit. With the magnificent St Mary and All Saints Church, The George and Dragon Pub and The Great Budworth Ice Cream Farm all within walking distance. The early history of Great Budworth is well documented in the Domesday Book, which mentions a priest at Great Budworth in 1086.


The site is designed to be an easily accessible source of information for residents and visitors alike with an interactive Village Events Diary. In order to populate the site with relevant and useful information – we need your input – so please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.

As you will see, there is an initial list of clubs, societies and organisations who might want a stake in the website – but if yours is missing and you want to be included – then please let us know.

Is this the tiniest library in Cheshire?

Is this the tiniest library in Cheshire?

Villagers in picturesque Great Budworth are the latest to find a novel use for a redundant telephone kiosk – a book exchange. Using money raised at last year’s Jubilee celebrations, the dilapidated kiosk has been carefully restored to its former glory, the parts sourced from a specialist restoration company in Surrey. The plastic windows have been replaced with glass, and the cast iron framework rubbed down and given a fresh coat of the genuine shade of red paint.

Local tradesmen John Eaton and Ted Parry carried out the renovation and paintwork – and once that was complete, Nev Griffin designed and donated shelving and a rack for magazines.

The project was spearheaded by local Councillor Lesley Hopkinson: ‘Since the closure of the shop at one end of the village, we needed a focal point where neighbours can meet and pass the time of day. Using money raised at our Jubilee celebrations seemed particularly appropriate for renovating such an 
icon. This model was known as the Jubilee Kiosk as it was originally designed for the silver jubilee of King George V.’

At the grand opening of the unusual book exchange, the honour of cutting the ribbon was given to Ruth Parker, an avid reader who has lived in Great Budworth over 40 years. She has just retired after 34 years on the governing body of Great Budworth Primary School.

Ruth welcomed a new source of reading material so close to her home, open seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day.

Great Budworth is a village that loves its books. It welcomes the mobile library service every Wednesday. Every Sunday between April and October, there is a second hand book sale in the Parish Hall along with the – even more popular – teas and cakes. (Source: Cheshire Life)